

In this issue of Insitu we are looking at Stairporn – a website where you can indulge your inner architectural geek. Yes, designers really do get excited by the strangest things!

This website showcases cool stair design from around the world. It’s divided into a series of categories which cover just about every variety of stair style and construction material you can think of.

While it’s a great place to get inspiration – don’t forget that Australia has building standards that need to be complied with in the design of stairs. Many of the designs shown wouldn’t necessarily obtain building approval here.

If you want to know more about requirements for stair design in Australia download a copy of the NCC 2016 (National Construction Code). In Volume 1 look at Section D – Part D2 Construction of Exits, and in Volume 2 look at Section 3 – Acceptable Construction: Part 3.9 Safe Movement and Access.

Click here to visit the Stairporn website and get inspired.


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TS: Can I ask you why you applied for RPL?  JM: I did TAFE years ago, I think it was 2016. And I was only halfway through. And I got a job as a cadet, a design cadet with a local company in Brisbane. And once I got that job, I actually stopped studying because […]

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