
There are lots of fantastic blogs and eNews sites to be found on the web. We thought it would be fun to show you some of our favourites. This week we are looking at Archdaily. This USA based online publication literally emails out daily links to some of the latest architecture and interior design projects from around the world.

What we like most about this website is that it not only has great photos of buildings it also features technical drawings like plans, elevations and sections. Most of the projects featured in archdaily are submitted by the architects and designers – so you get to read their firsthand account of what inspired their designs.

You can visit archdaily and subscribe to the website by clicking here.


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Emerging Talent Jaie Mauger

TS: Can I ask you why you applied for RPL?  JM: I did TAFE years ago, I think it was 2016. And I was only halfway through. And I got a job as a cadet, a design cadet with a local company in Brisbane. And once I got that job, I actually stopped studying because […]

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Press Release

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Funding Now Available in NSW

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